Recent content by COVA2006

  1. COVA2006

    EMS Provider Mental Health And Wellness

    I’ve been a member of a CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) Team. All the team members are FFs, EMTs, Medics, COs, or LEOs. When we’ve been called for a Debriefing, the members of the Dept. that called us are surprised & grateful that the Team members are people who have; been where...
  2. COVA2006


    Thanks for the info. I’m used to running 100% 911 calls & will be mostly inter-facility transfers. Not sure if I’ll like it.
  3. COVA2006

    EMS Boat

    That would have been great when I was in NW NY, along the Erie Canal & Lake Ontario!
  4. COVA2006

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    My test stopped at 72. I passed.
  5. COVA2006

    Stethoscope parts

    Just wondering if anyone knows where to get a diaphragm for an old Littmann Select. An old Medic friend gave it to me quite a while back & has lots of memories with it.
  6. COVA2006

    Radio straps

    Just my two cents. The Firefighter type strap has the possibility of being used as a way for a pt. to grab you and harm you. I'd rather use a radio holster and clip the mic to my shirt or jacket. If a pt. grabs my radio's cord, he can't use it to harm me.
  7. COVA2006

    Movie Marathon Thread

    Strange Brew is a classic! I like Red Green. I started Dark Wind, it's pretty good. Doesn't follow the original book series though. Lord of the Rings trilogy is a good one as well.
  8. COVA2006

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    One thing I suggest is to get a medical dictionary and be familiar with medical terminology. It was used quite a bit and I was thrown by that. I'm and EMT-B.
  9. COVA2006

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    I'm not sure what the number was, I was concentrating on the last question and waiting for the next one when the computer said I was done. It was around 69 or 71. Some of the questions I had no idea how to answer.
  10. COVA2006

    What do people write on their gloves? I don’t really see what you would need to write down.

    I have a few 3x5 cards in my pocket w/my pen. Also, whatever is closest like my partner's forehead.
  11. COVA2006


    Took the NREMT yesterday...studied like crazy. Got the email about 4 hrs later that I passed.
  12. COVA2006

    I went on my first two calls and they terrified me

    Is there a CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) team in your area? As an EMT-I and now an EMT-B/Firefighter, CISM teams are very helpful. Ask your EMS leadership, they should know. It will help you to process the hard calls.
  13. COVA2006

    What do people write on their gloves? I don’t really see what you would need to write down.

    I've used gloves to write VS, and other info that my partner wasn't able to write. I've also used tape on my pant's leg to record info w/multiple pts at a MVA or MVC.