bdoss2006's latest activity

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    bdoss2006 posted the thread Book question in EMS Talk.
    This is more of a survey type question than anything. If read cover to cover, do you think the EMT textbook has all the information one...
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    bdoss2006 posted the thread Documentation in EMS Talk.
    Does anyone have some examples of advise on the DCHART method for convalescent hospital discharges? I am used to 911, and with it being...
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    bdoss2006 replied to the thread Assessment Question.
    I am sick of your trash talk.
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    Id say ill get made fun of for this question like the rest... This is kindve a random question that isnt as pertinent in the real world...
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    bdoss2006 posted the thread 12 Lead ecg in BLS Discussion.
    I know scope varies by state and so do protocols, but I am just looking for a general guideline. If an EMT obtains a 12 lead, can they...
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    bdoss2006 replied to the thread Pupils in head injuries.
    I don’t see how it’s that bad of a thing. It’s just making sure I am 100% correct to make sure my patients have appropriate care. Maybe...
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    bdoss2006 replied to the thread Pupils in head injuries.
    I do have a basic understanding of fundamental topics. As I have stated, I think with a lot of my questions, I know the answers, but I...
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    bdoss2006 replied to the thread Blood pressure.
    That doesn’t mean I don’t know the answer. That’s to make sure I’m 100% correct on what I do know. And by the way, you people on here...
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    bdoss2006 replied to the thread Pupils in head injuries.
    I probably worded the question wrong. I get why you assess it, but it's more the physiological part I don't understand. If there’s...
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    bdoss2006 replied to the thread Pupils in head injuries.
    Yes, I learned plenty in my class. I wish you would just leave this forum. **CL edit ** I’m concerned about how you treat your patients...
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    bdoss2006 replied to the thread Blood pressure.
    I can assure you they are not “really basic” questions. I think a lot of my issue is I know the answer to what I’m asking, but I doubt...
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    Here’s my doubting what I know coming in 😂 what assessment findings would lead you to believe that someone’s spo2 is low even though the...
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    bdoss2006 replied to the thread Blood pressure.
    I don’t think I need to retake the class. I was one of the top in my class, and passed national registry with only a few questions over...
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    Why do you assess peoples pupils with possible head injuries that are fully alert and oriented? Correct me if I’m wrong, but if you have...
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    First of all, I am a certified EMT, and have been for a few months. I was one of the top in my class, and passed national registry with...